Hello From SEAK 2024!

I’m at the SEAK conference on Non-Clinical Careers for Physicians in Chicago! They have a lot of great courses for those interested in doing something different. I’m meeting a lot of great people who, like me, are worried about burnout. Interestingly, most are not ready to leave their clinical practice, but are looking for ways to be prepared for the future. I think that is really smart.

One thing that is underrepresented is my choice – real estate investing. REI is a fantastic way to bridge that gap between wanting to decrease workload with the primary job without completely quitting altogether. In REI, you can invest passively or actively, essentially creating a new career if you want.

For those who want to keep their high-performing job, some sort of passive investing is the best thing. That’s going to be investing in real estate stocks, partnering with a friend who does the operations, investing in syndications, or investing in funds. If you want to find out more about any of these, you can take my completely free course on REI for High Performers.

If you are reading this and are at the conference, come find me! Remember, real estate is your prescription for wealth.

Dr. Equity

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